Something is a“mood” if you really like it and it emotionally connects with you/relates to you. So for example, if you watch a really sad movie about someone struggling in life and meanwhile you are also struggling in your career might say “omg, that movie is such a mood” because it feels very relevant to you. A 42 year old man had covid and he recovered completely but experience during peak phase was scary, he developed post traumatic stress syndrome ( PTSD) and developed sleep disorders and anxiety and hyperventilation syndrome. Now he gets frequent mood swing referred to saans . Now responding to our saans cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT). A mood swing is a sudden or intense change in emotional state. During a mood These are signs of mood swings: feeling stressed not getting enough sleep not eating healthy and frequent snacking Frequent hyperventilation and breathing issues Pill popping Substance abuse Regular and severe mood changes, however, can indicate an underlying condition. Some clinical situations which need surveillance Post traumatic stress disorder( PTSD) Pre menstrual tension Biological clock disturbances Job change / loss Financial stress Career confusion why mood wing happens.? Two Neurotransmitters and their balance are responsible for holistic harmony. Dopamine and Serotonin ,their balance is must for good mood. When to see your doctor Talk to your doctor. If your mood swings become harder and harder to deal with, it might be time to talk to your primary care physician and see what they recommend. It’s important to go to your doctor to rule out anything physical that might be going on.