Wellness… A state of holistic harmony We are perhaps going through the most difficult times in planet. When planet behaves unpredictability, it affects the mental health.There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.Perhaps the new norm for fitness will be wellness. V Wellness is a conscious, self-directed evolving process of achieving ones full potential. It’s multidimensional,a kind of holistic harmony encompassing physical, mental, emotional, environmental, intellectual, financial ,social to spiritual components.it is a state of being which needs self-regulation. motivation and good habits. A sustained sense of wellness needs constant brain retraining and practices,called neuroplasticity, a complete scientific process controlled by our neuronal circuits with integration centre in prefrontal cortex(PFC). PFC is responsible for Neuro chemical harmony essential for our state of wellness. Wellness solution is the need of the hour and there is an increasing role of philosophical counselling in wellness solution in current scenario. There is a need to do a collaborative research on holistic, innovative and integrative approach to wellness solution. Different thinkers have attempted to define wellness.The understanding of wellness has evolved over decades primarily because of advancement in neurophysiological mapping techniques. Scholars dating as far back as the ancient Greeks have postulated the concept of wellness.The past few decades have witnessed increase in work in understanding wellness and there is an unmet need to understand wellness as a better as health care indicator as has been clearly reflected in our recent pandemic. Being healthy as WHO defined slowly getting shifted from being healthy to wellness as wellness is a “wholistic” indicator rather being “holistic” , as we say treat the diseasea as “whole not as a hole” The purpose of the current ongoiung project Systematic Approach and Analysis to Neuro-Philosophical Wellness Solution(SAANS) systematically investigate the relationship between well-being and mind,using structured wellness questionnaire covering all components of wellness from mental, emotional, environmental,occupational,intellectual,financial,social to cosmic components a state called holistic harmony a concept of 360 degree wheel approach. saans is clinical questionnaire covering all components of wellness and subjecting high risk subjects to therapeutic intervention through philosophical counselling tools and breathing techniques for wellness solution.
listen to our podcast on Wellness and SAANS project : the concept of holistic harmony