Category: Latest News

SAANS Rehabilitation called “SAMARTH” Rehabilitation A comprehensive intervention for patients with chronic diseases who are symptomatic and often have decreased daily activities. It is designed to reduce symptoms, optimize functional status, increase participation, and reduce health care costs through stabilizing…

219 patients from may 2015 to june2017 suffering from chronic respiratory failure due to COPD & lung fibrosis on optimum medical treatment with domiciliary oxygen therapy was subjected to three days of inhouse Pulmonary rehab program followed by biweekly six…

The SAANS foundation was established by Dr Partho Bose. ‘Saans’ meaning ‘breath of life’, is a result of Bose’s efforts in the direction of providing better quality of life to individuals seeking aid and his lifelong commitment to his profession.…

SRCG provides following services: 1. Home Care 24X7 services Chest physician- Physician-Nursing care- Health Care Worker- Respiratory Physiotherapy- Pulmonary rehabilitation- Nutrition program-Oxygen- Bipap- Cpap-Ventilator- Tracheotomy care- Dialysis- Beds-Wheel Chair-All kinds of ICU support Bipap-Cpap- Oxygen Concentrator         2.…


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