Category: Latest News

Achievement is all about mind evolution,an evolutionary process which keeps knocking your core to chase your mind to do something more creative and fulfilling which satisfies your inner soul, a process involving a continuous hard work, challenges and tenacity to…

COVID Initiatives 1.Two layered washable masks with santizers were distributed 2. FIGHT CORONA initiative was launched 3. webinars for pharmacists 4. webinars on mental health and covid 5. media outreach 6. help line on covid 7. corporate initiatives for covid…

“Yoga is the Journey from illness to wellness , which takes you to your absolute Self, to your Soul, through your own Self, a 360 degree holistic approach , from physical, mental, emotional, environmental, social to spiritual wellness , a… Things are tough , challenges are huge but man kind now has to learn how to face it, lock down may not be the only way to achieve results, just think what will happen after lock down. Covid will…


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