Getting a sleep test done at a hospital can give one a sleepless night. Called the polysomnography (PSG) test, it involves a night stay at a hospital, with your head wired to a machine that monitors breathing, heart rate and…
An insomniac friend unwittingly hijacked my sleep recently. I’d never had trouble staying asleep before, but my friend started texting at 2 a.m. to pass the time. I keep my mobile phone on my nightstand, so his texts disturbed me,…
A Systematic Review Manoj Sharma, MBBS, MCHES, PhD, Taj Haider, MPH, Partha P. Bose, DTCD, MD First Published July 18, 2012 Research Article PDF download for Yoga as an Alternative and Complementary Treatment for Asthma Article Information Article has an…
For the success of any Rehabilitation program it’s very important to have a wellness coach in the team, We at SAANS have been running a very successful Rehabilitation program primarily Pulmonary Rehabilitation, for the reason being the cumulative efforts of…